In the morning of January 31 and February 1 , 2017, there were two “Chinese New Year Celebration” holding at Liverpool Street and Forest Hill Elementary School in Fredericton of New Brunswick. All seats have been occupied in the gym of two schools to celebrate the Chinese new year. All people of schools participated in this activity, as well as CINB Chinese teacher Miss. Jingli Wang, Mrs. Yanmei Li, Miss. Xiaochan Zheng, even Chinese families gathering together to enjoy the “Chinese New Year Celebration”.

Liverpool Street Elementary School’s Chinese New Year Celebration

In the morning of January 31, all people of Liverpool Street Elementary School, including the Principal, teachers and students were getting together to celebrate Chinese new year. The principal, Mrs. Jennifer addressed this activity and expressed her gratitude to Chinese teacher Miss. Jingli Wang to bring a lot of Chinese language and Chinese culture to school, as well as wished all people happy Chinese new year. 

Chinese teachers had a great performance there, music teacher Miss. Xiaochan Zheng sang a beautiful song about celebrating the new year “May all go well with you” and Miss. Jingli Wang performed a Chinese traditional dance named “Jing hong dance”. After that, Jing li Wang taught all people about Chinese new year greetings and how to say “Happy New Year” in Chinese, they got a lot of fun and enjoyed them very much. Then, the teacher of this school, Mr. McNeil had a presentation of Chinese new year and introduced how Chinese people celebrate their new year to audience. After that, students’ Chinese manual work show was beginning, the students of each class walked around the whole gym to show their manual works such as lantern, dragon mask, fireworks, Chinese fan, panda and so on. And Mrs. Jennifer rewarded certificates to outstanding students and told all students a great news that their lunch was Chinese food, they were immersed in the joy of Chinese new year.

Forest Hill Elementary School’s Chinese New Year Celebration

In the morning of February 1 , 2017, the “Chinese New Year Celebration” was held in the gym of Forest Hill Elementary School. When you walked into the gym, you could see many beautiful poster, many works were from Jingli Wang’s students. Furthermore, with the help of Chinese teacher Miss. Jingli Wang, students prepared a lot of great performances to celebrate Chinese new year. 

They performed “Chicken dance”, the dance of “Jasmine Flower” and Xinjiang folk dance, it’s hard to imagine these young kids could be so amazing, they danced very well by following the lively rhythm. They also sang a “Chinese New Year Song” to wish everybody happy Chinese new year and they won a warm applause. It was worth mentioning, Chinese students’ parents were invited to perform the “Violin and erhu instrumental ensemble” and sang a Chinese songs with their child. Chinese teacher Miss. Jingli Wang performed “Jing hong dance”, every great performance won a warm applause and enthusiastic cheers from the audience. Then, Jingli Wang took out many red packets and asked a lot of Chinese questions to students, and who answered right could get red packets that made all students have so much fun. The gym was completely intoxicated in the atmosphere of Chinese culture.

At the end of activity, the Principal, Mr. Saad spoke highly of all Chinese teachers for their working hard and responsibility for Chinese teaching, he was very proud of every student and as well as he expressed his gratitude to all Chinese teachers and contribution of CINB to bring so amazing culture to this school.

Liverpool Street and Forest Hill Elementary School were successfully held the “Chinese New Year Celebration” that gave us a lot of encouragement and support. We believe that these successful activities will actively affect the Chinese teaching at school in the future, get more recognition from our principal and teachers, and give us more space to further development. Holding fast to our dream, then we can reach the sky. We will try our best to make more contributions to the spread and promotion of Chinese language and culture.











      走进体育馆,映入眼帘的是一副副由学生作品设计出来的新年画报和富有中国新年气息的装饰,所有人都沉浸在了中国节日的氛围之中。节目开场,一年级学生们戴着汉语教师精心制作的小鸡面具,伴着节奏欢快的《公鸡舞曲》跳起了滑稽可爱的小鸡舞蹈,逗得在场观众欢哈哈大笑。幼儿班学生演唱了《新年快乐歌》,并作揖祝大家新年快乐。伴着《茉莉花》、《掀起了你的盖头来》优美的旋律学生们表演了美轮美奂的扇子舞和富有中国民族特色的新疆舞。华人家庭亲子节目是此次活动中的亮点,Li jin先生向大家展示了中国传统乐器二胡,并和他的孩子合作演奏了一曲“小提琴二胡合奏”,在场观众听得入迷,陶醉于优美的旋律之中。另外两位中国家长与她们的孩子们合唱了一首中英版新年歌曲,向大家送去新年的祝福。汉语教师志愿者王静丽老师为大家表演了一支中国古典舞蹈《惊鸿舞》,惊艳全场,把整场活动推向高潮。之后,王静丽老师拿起准备好的中国新年红包,向在场孩子们提问中国语言及文化知识,孩子们兴奋不已,纷纷举手回答参与其中。很多学生如愿得到了新年红包,对汉语老师说“谢谢”,再一次引起了全场热烈的掌声。




(新布伦瑞克省孔子学院  王静丽供稿)