On the afternoon of January 27th, 2019, the Chinese New Year Gala in St. John begins with the bursts of drum-beating. Mr. Chen Xueming, Consul General of China in Montreal, Canada, is invited to attend the party and delivers a speech. Leaders at all levels of local province and municipalities, friendly Chinese and overseas Chinese from different regions also attended the gala. They wish all the audience good health, happiness and prosperity in the Year of Pig. All earnings from the performance will be donated to Saint John Regional Hospital to support the development of the local medical system.

Senior high school students of CI in St. John School District are invited by the organizers of the New Year Gala to sing "Dedication of Love" in Chinese with local Chinese children and college students. They wish all the audience a happy New Year, which fully demonstrates the theme of "mutual affection, integration and prosperity" in the pluralistic community, between China and Canada.

MacLean Preston, a student from Chinese class of CI in Harbour View High School, was selected by the Chinese Association as the host of the New Year Gala because of his excellent Chinese proficiency and deep love for Chinese culture. As the curtain slowly rises, MacLean Preston stands in the middle of the stage, announces the programs in Chinese, which wins great admiration from the audience. The inherent concept of "Chinese is difficult to learn and is difficult to be understood" has been broken. Preston's brilliant performance sets an good example for countless Canadian friends who want to know more about China!
MacLean Preston is not only the first Canadian to host the New Year Gala in St. John in Chinese and English on the stage in recent years, but also the only male presenter to undertake most of the announcement work. While getting proficient in the Chinese introduction of the programs, he also compiles authentic English lines according to the Chinese meaning.

The audience are surprised that a Canadian boy is able to speak and sing in Chinese so well. Preston's grandfather was white-haired, he said excitedly after the performance, “I’m so proud of you”, which makes us all forget our nationalities, our territories, our skin colors, and indulged in the success of the party and the joy of the New Year.

After the event, Teng Qing, the chief teaching supervisor of CI, Dai Zunfeng, the Chinese director, and Don Darling, mayor of St. John, went on the stage to take photos with the performers.


      当地时间2019年1月27日下午,加拿大新布伦瑞克省圣约翰市华人春晚在阵阵擂鼓声中正式拉开序幕。中国驻加拿大蒙特利尔总领事陈学明先生受邀出席晚会并致辞,与其一同出席的还有当地省市区各级领导、友华爱华人士以及来自不同地区的华人华侨们,共同恭祝大家在猪年身体健康,幸福富足,新春快乐。本次演出所有善款均将赠与圣约翰地区医院(Saint John Regional Hospital)以支持当地医疗体系发展。
      来自海景高中(Harbour View High School)孔院汉语班的学生麦顿(MacLean Preston)因其出色的汉语水平及对中国文化的深切热爱,被华人协会选中担任春晚主持人。随着幕布的徐徐升起,麦顿在舞台中央一站,中文报幕词一出,全场一片惊叹,“中文难学,外国人难懂”的固有观念被打破,麦顿的精彩表现为无数想加深了解中国的加拿大朋友树立了榜样!
      现场观众对加拿大孩子能把汉语说唱得如此之好纷纷表示惊讶。麦顿的爷爷已满头白发,他看完演出后激动地说了一句“I’m so proud of you”,这让我们所有人都忘记了国籍,忘记了地域,忘记了肤色,沉醉在晚会的成功和春节的喜悦中。
      活动结束后,孔子学院教学总督导滕箐、中方院长代尊峰与圣约翰市市长唐.达令(Don Darling)走上台与演员们合影留念。